Laocoön and His Sons |
Inspiration Source
The Aeneid by Robert Fagles |
Laocoön and His Sons by Agesander and Polydorus of Rhodes, is
a unique sculpture to exemine the changes in Greek art in Hellenistic Period
which can be seen from the most famous constructions and sculptures of the age
overall. It has been found in 1506. At this sculpture, a sob story from the
Epic of Aeneas by Vergilius had been reembodied. Laocoön who was a priest of
Troy, warnes his people to not accept the gift which was a giant wooden horse
entering the city. The gods who have seen that their plans of destroying Troy
was ruined, sends two giant snakes from the seas. They smother Laocoön and his
sons. So, it was one of the stories which god shows their rage cruelly on
weaker human being. Similar stories remain in epics of Greek, Latin and
Christian cultures such as Jonah and the Great Fish and Noah’s Ark. You may take a look at Monreale Cathedral mosaics including Noah's Ark story.
by Eötvös Jozsef Könyvkiado |
However, it’s impossible to know that what was aim of artist while
covering this sculpture, it can be examined from two different perspectives.
Did he try to tell us the violence that an innocent man has? Or, did he only
try to prove his talent im sculpting? Whatever his purpose was, it can be
easily said that his technique was ahead of its time. Style of carving arms and
bodily muscles of Laocoön while struggling against the snakes and the face
expressions of him and his sons during the fight proves the talent of sculptor.
From another point of view, with respect to moral and lifestyle of human being
at this century, using animals in gladiator fights were reasonably common. So
it brings out a fresh idea about the sculpture and artist. Besides great
purposes, he may have thought that his work would have entertained the society
with its lively look. At this point, we can estimate the purpose of sculptor
with respect to the situation which was the way of art being in Hellenistic
Effects of Hellenistic Period on
the Sculpture
Procession of the Trojan Horse in Troy (1773)
by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo |
Greek art in Hellenistic Period does not include figurines of
sorcery and religion. In another word, the art had nearly lost its relevancy
with religious icons. Artists were approaching problems more technically.
Because of this approach, the story of Laocoön with its complex figurines and
manners was a true test for sculptor to prove his carving talent. It can be
even said that, the sculptor has not cared the violence in the art piece in a
perspective of ethics, but considered carving it perfectly more important. So,
it makes the second question about his purpose more realistic way of approach.
By getting over the effect of religions and sorcery, sculptures of Hellenistic
Periods became fine examples in order to make this style of arts spread in
society. However, none of those works has clues to lead the artists of today
carving more realistic artworks, in the cities of Pompei, Herculaneum and
Stabia, architectures of this period had made a good use of those major works
such as the sculpture of Laocoön and His Sons. All in all, this one can be
mentioned as the finest example of Greek art in Hellenistic Period with respect
to its design approach, details and effects on other artworks done by
referencing it.
Thanks for informations .