Helios and Jesus
Religious paintings from third
and fourth centuries are fine combinations of Christ and Helios (Helius) who is
greek titan god of Sun. Yet recognizing whom exactly has been repicted for
those paintings, it can be said that Christ had been suited Helios’s glory and light
by the artists.
Greek Calathus (435 BC) |
Helios-Christ mosaic in St. Peter's Basilica
A relief from the Temple of Athena at Ilion |
Depictions show Helios on his chariot while riding to the heaven from the perspective of Hellenic pagan art. Main purpose of those compositions or covers may be reducting the denial of Jesus Christ or Helios to communities. Fist image above is a relief from the Temple of Athena at Ilion. Second is a Helios-Christ mosaic from the ceiling of St. Peter's Basilica and third is a depiction of Helios while riding his chariot from a greek calathus dated 435 BC respectively.
A madonna from
5th or 6th century |
Isis nursing Horus |
As another example of pagan symbols in Christianity, similarities between the Egyptian Statue of Isis with her baby Horus and Mother Marry with Jesus Christ can be shown. The ways of holding their children and perspective were so close to each other. It is seen that, the artist had been impressed by this statue from the pagan world and christianized it. Many other inspirations like these mentioned above can be shown for Hercules and Apollo as well in Renaissance period but not early Christianity.
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